Theory Of Music – Book Cover Design


Music is a divine art form nourished by musicologists and scholars through centuries. Music has always been a part of our socio-cultural scenario. It is but essential, that, everybody should know at least, some important and relevant aspects of this art. Needless to say, for students of music, it is necessary to a greater extent and in greater detail. In this book all fundamental musical terms are defined and explained. Raga and Tala chapters are dealt with in detail. Ragalakshanas for about 150 Ragas are given along with life histories of more than 50 composers. Several treaties on music are discussed and many popular musical operas are described. All prevailing compositional forms are explained. A brief study of music and its relationship with various branches of science is made. Areas of improvisation in music are given maximum attention. An elaborate study of different forms of music is done in this book. An honest attempt has been made to give as complete and comprehensive picture of the various facets of music as possible. Students of music who learn compositions in various Indian languages will find this book in English language a very useful guide for theory.

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